Thanks for the suggestions, guys;
Will keep them in mind. There was only enough made for the one train and when GM sold the train set to the Union Pacific, GM kept the China. Part of it came to my wife through her Uncle who was a GM Vice-President at the time. We use some of it for meals as it is nearly indestructable, but we do have some spare pieces. Just testing the market!!!
Mel Hazen; Jax, FL Ride Amtrak. It's the only way to fly!!!
I second Henry's emotion that the classifieds and display classifieds are a good place to start. You might even want to spend a buck or two if they offer print catalogs of their items for sale.
I'd also suggest you not be in too big a hurry for this: with luck, sooner or later you're likely to run into a collector who's GOTTA have the stuff. Indiana University Press released a nice new book last year about ToT so there's probably more interest in it than there was a couple of years ago. - a.s.
Do check the ebay, etc. as suggested...also look in Trains or Classic Trains classified to find those buying there a good, reliable, honest, trustworthy antique shop or auctioneer who you can talk to, find out who they might suggest would 'bout local railroad group like NRHS, R&LHS. Google the Train of Tomorrow and see what that might bring you. Its worth something to somebody; and maybe something else to you...good luck.
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I would first say look at E-Bay and the other auction sites. Then Google Dining Car China, Railway China, and Railroad China. I've seen prices for old CPR china and this stuff isn't cheap.
So shovel the coal, let this rattler roll.
"A Train is a Place Going Somewhere" CP Rail Public Timetable
"O. S. Irricana"
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I have access to some Train of Tomorrow dining car china. How would I determine if there is a market for same?
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