DHVM News - June 8, 2001

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DHVM News - June 8, 2001
Posted by Anonymous on Friday, June 8, 2001 4:22 PM
The Delaware and Hudson Virtual Museum (DHVM) is proud to announce the addition of nearly 70 more images into the Gallery section. These photographs were taken by "Ted Slavinski" and can be found within the "Dave T. Klutchko" Collection. This new collection of photographs includes Engine, Caboose, and Freight images. There are several images of Diesel GE U23B engines from the #300 series (prior to becoming #23xx) as well as several B&W photographs from the 1950's.

The DHVM is always looking for more images of D&H related material to be displayed as part of this fast growing site. For those of you that have sent in images that have not been post, they will be added into the DHVM site soon. I am also working on a MS Excel spreadsheet to attempt to record the complete D&H Roster and will be uploading working copies to the Yahoo! dandh periodically. This is a "Public" file that can be used by anyone without permission and I thank everyone that has been posting roster information.

Darren E. Hadley
DHVM Web Master
BLHS Member
DHCHS Member

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