Locomotive whistle sounding like "WOW WOW "

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Locomotive whistle sounding like "WOW WOW "
Posted by DenWoz on Thursday, March 29, 2001 10:56 PM
Has there ever been any train whistle that sounded like "wo-O-ow wo-O-ow?" I thought I heard it briefly (very few days) during my boyhood days in the northwest Indiana. The middle "O" sounded like a short "o" like in "box." The pitch, higher in range indicated with capital "O's," sounded lower than many steam whistles. It might've been on EJ&E's diesel switchers if not on any steam switcher. The whistle sounded like multiple-toned. This dated back around 1950 or a bit later.
If not EJ&E, perhaps it was B&O Chgo Trml, Ind Hrbr Belt, or Chgo Short Line. If such whistle had existed, what was its manufacturer; which railroads used it, and when and for how long? Den

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