Down load location????

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Down load location????

  • Some time ago a couple of web sites were given to down load locos and some rolling stock for MSTS. I down loaded them, installed them and they worked great. I had some problems come up with my computer and had to go back and do a restore on it. I've reinstalled MSTS but don't know where I found those down loads that where given here or on the model railroad forum. Can anyone help here??? Thanks, Ken
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  • Just search this forum.  People have listed a bunch of sites for free and payware stuff. 

    Train-sim is probably the biggest.  Mltdownloads has a lot of nice stuff, but it often requires some shape files from one of their products (not always).  And there is also the Canadian Pacific Railway site.  They have some free stuff, including part of a route, covering Canadian Pacific heritage stuff. 

    Dewey "Facts are meaningless; you can use facts to prove anything that is even remotely true! Facts, schmacks!" - Homer Simpson "The problem is there are so many stupid people and nothing eats them."