How is the game for those it works for

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How is the game for those it works for

  • Read most messages on this forum and it kinda soured me on the game. Just saw it for US$50 at Office Max. Hadn't heard of it before, but had used Flight Simulator and enjoyed it but that was one of the first versions (before much color, even). What I'd like to ask is: does the game give you a sense of being there, does it simulate yards and open space or what? Maybe train crashes or near crashes, cars crossing tracks, etc. Thanks
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  • I think Train Simulator is very good, considering that it's the first release. It requires quite a bit of PC "horsepower", and the graphics are a little strange at times. The sim does have its quirks and flaws, but I like to think of it as version 1.0. Hopefully, as with Flight Simulator, there will be a version 2.0, 3.0... and so on. I really hope Microsoft develops this product.
  • I have enjoyed the game. While I find running a steam locomotive still difficult, the Acela and BNSF routes are great fun. I just purchased a new computer so that it will have anough "horsepower" to run the simulation easily. My older computer had trouble with some of the graphics since it is highly graphic intensive. I recommend it as it is probably the closest we can become to being actual locomotive engineers without joining a union.
  • I bought MSTS soon after it came out, and I think it's just great. I wi***here were people in it of course,but maybe someday. By the way , I only paid $30 for mine at CompuServe. What a deal that was!
  • I enjoy MSTS very much. People just like to complain so don't let them sour you too much. Got to tell you a funny though. I ran full power on the Acela between Washington and Phily just to see what happened. I went way over the speed limit but had no problems until Phily. If you see a train in orbit, that would be mine...