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Help with MSTS

  • I am trying to re-install MSTS.  I have both discs and neither is damaged that I can tell.  I am only trying to install Marias Pass and already have a current Adobe Acrobat Reader.  I get about 64% installed and get the same error message: Train Simulator Setup has encountered an error reading the file (lists the file path to a route file ending in .raw).  Make sure the disc is not full (I'm writing to a 1 TB drive-less than 14 % used) and the file is not in use (nothing but Setup is running...IDK!). 

    Any ideas?


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  •  Dan, I am having the sort of the same problem. My second disc is messed up and I am trying to clean it now. But, I am getting the same error message as you are.

     I am hoping there is someway to download the second disc off the internet. I bought my set new and have the ID number.


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