Vert-a-Pac auto transporter

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Vert-a-Pac auto transporter

  • Just stumbled upon this today and had never heard of it before. It was developed by GM and SP so that they could fit more Vega's on it than a standard autorack. Weird seeing the Vega's standing on their nose. Just thought Id share.|10 

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  • Which is why the Vega was such an awful car
  • The Lordstown, OH GM assembly plant was built on a rush basis just to build the Vega,  I worked the Train Order Operator's position at the B&O's Newton Falls tower and would hand up the waybills for the cars that trains picked up at Lordstown - If I remember correctly the freight charges for a Vert-a-Pac to a unloading facility on the West Coast was approximately $4800.

    Never too old to have a happy childhood!