Dimensions for Bachmann Gondola

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Dimensions for Bachmann Gondola
Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, September 23, 2003 11:05 AM
I want to make some loads for a Bachmann Gondola, flat car and boxcar; however, I am 1500 miles from my railroad (and no where near a hobby shop) and do not have the inside dimensions that are required. Could someone please measure these cars for me. I would like the inside dimensions for each.
  • Member since
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Dimensions for Bachmann Gondola
Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, September 23, 2003 11:05 AM
I want to make some loads for a Bachmann Gondola, flat car and boxcar; however, I am 1500 miles from my railroad (and no where near a hobby shop) and do not have the inside dimensions that are required. Could someone please measure these cars for me. I would like the inside dimensions for each.

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