Chicago CHIP program application

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Posted by dpeltier on Saturday, August 5, 2023 7:56 PM

blue streak 1

The  "CHIP" - Chicago Hub Improvement Pprogram has now submitted application for federal funds.  Union station improvements,establishment of direct connection to SCAL line, restoration of double track fro bridae to CN at McCormack place, restoration of double track around Niles.  

The question is will Amtrak own the 2nd track along the SCAL so CN cannot cause problems in the future?  Yes I do not trust CN as its many shenanigans has often proved.


Officials seek nearly $900 million for Union Station, Amtrak upgrades – NBC Chicago

Fun fact: CN maintains and dispatches SCAL, and it is the only freight railroad that regularly operates freight trains on it. But it only owns 50% of the line. BNSF and UP each own 25% as well. And there is no separate corporate entity or operating railroad like there is for, say, the BRC. Instead, CN, UP, and BNSF directly own separate interests in each parcel of real estate and each foot of track. You can't make any changes without the consent of all three.


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Chicago CHIP program application
Posted by blue streak 1 on Thursday, August 3, 2023 8:40 PM

The  "CHIP" - Chicago Hub Improvement Pprogram has now submitted application for federal funds.  Union station improvements,establishment of direct connection to SCAL line, restoration of double track fro bridae to CN at McCormack place, restoration of double track around Niles.  

The question is will Amtrak own the 2nd track along the SCAL so CN cannot cause problems in the future?  Yes I do not trust CN as its many shenanigans has often proved.


Officials seek nearly $900 million for Union Station, Amtrak upgrades – NBC Chicago

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