LA Times pushing CA HSR completion

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Posted by MidlandMike on Thursday, February 29, 2024 8:34 PM

The line to Rancho Cucamonga connects with MetroLink, the dashed line to Palmdale connects with CAHSR.

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Posted by CMStPnP on Friday, March 1, 2024 10:56 AM

blue streak 1

Please tell us what state you live in.  Does it receiuve more federal funds than it pays in federal taxes?  California pays way more fedeeral taxes than it receives in federal funds.

So first, this is off topic.   Second, I don't think it will ever happen in my life in the soclal media realm but perhaps the question should be asked is why does what happen in California upset you if you do not live there?   

Just on the TRAINS related forum subject I can think of the Tier pollution standards the rest of the country has to meet because of California which I might add the TRAINS editorial staff let fly in one of their published articles.   In defense of the TRAINS staff they do not realize why the pollution requirements in California are stricter because they probably never researched it.   It has to do with the geohraphy and meterology of Southern California in particular with the bowl of a basin LA lies in and the smog that hangs over the city is very problematic.    Also the mountain ranges immediately to the East play a role as well.    Most people jump to the conclusion California is being extreme to prove itself more green than others.    BTW, this is also the big push for HSR as well to present a less polluting alternative. 

Texans just renewed their home insurance and a whopping increase.   Guess which state the insurance agent pointed to when asked why?    Bank of America a large employer in Texas under a hiring freeze in 4th quarter last year.    Guess what bank failure (SVB) they pointed to in order to blame the approx $1.5 to 2 billion charge to reimburse the FDIC.   So before you get upset about to understand first.   Along with inflation people are feeling the pinch outside of California

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Posted by J. Bishop on Friday, March 1, 2024 10:46 PM

Yes. I have lived in Southern California since 1980 and the smog regulations have visibly worked. There is much less smog now than their used to be, even with a larger population. Smog alerts used to be common -- for example, kids couldn't have PE. I have raised three boys here, so I was aware.  Smog alerts are rare now, I can't think of when the last one was.  So again, like those government regulations or not, they were needed and have worked.

John Bishop, Riverside, CA

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Posted by alphas on Saturday, March 2, 2024 11:01 AM

blue streak 1

Please tell us what state you live in.  Does it receiuve more federal funds than it pays in federal taxes?  California pays way more fedeeral taxes than it receives in federal funds.



 California paying so much to the Federal Government is primarily because it has so many more Federal Income taxpayers living in it.     It's one of those types of political statistics that people love to quote but it really isn't meaningful.      It's in the same political statisics catagory that certain Red southern and midwestern state have a higher gun crime rate then Blue states so those states are "bad".   But stastically its normally the Blue urban areas in those Red states that drive up the state's gun crime rate.   

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