News Wire: Metra resumes Electric line service on modified schedule

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Posted by blue streak 1 on Thursday, March 14, 2019 5:50 PM

METRA has issued a very complete report on restoration of service on the electric lines.  One pulzzle was the statement that the wire contracted so much that the pans extended into signals.  Not sure but was it the messenger that shrunk so much?  Certainly is one reason for METRA to install constant tension CAT.  

METRA's variable tension would seem to be particularly prone to problems due to the wide swings in Chicago temperatures  ( -20 to 100+ ) and the long streaches of tangent trackage? 

Can someone who ride the electric line note if the tangent lines have the normal CAT tracking eft and right or mostly straight down track.  The pictures on this link is inconclusive?  

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Posted by blue streak 1 on Tuesday, February 5, 2019 11:35 AM

Has Trains or anyone gotten more info on what actually are the damages?  It may be that my speculation about the substastion's damage is limiting restoration of service.  Instead of  speculation it would be more informative to have an acessment of actual damages and restorations.  It may be track more damaged than  we suspect? 

EDIT:  One report says only one track available at site of CN derailment which certainly slow amd limit traffic.  Anyone in CHI brave enough to ride over the daaged area?

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Posted by blue streak 1 on Monday, February 4, 2019 12:27 PM

There may be a reason that service cannot return to normal any time soon.  The CAT will be restored to full service available soon.  However what exactly is the statement that 2 substations were also damaged mean?  Minor damage or major damage?. 

On DC systems the substations are usually only 5 - 8 miles apart.  A provision of most electrification of rail systems is that each side adjaecent substations can take over for the inop substaion. So if a station has a failure or is down for maintenance either side stations can carry the load to the inop station..  If these 2 damaged stations are next to each other there may be a very limited amount of power available for the section that extends between the 2 failed and also 2 operative stations on either side as well?

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Posted by Brian Schmidt on Monday, February 4, 2019 10:49 AM

CHICAGO — Metra has resumed service across its Electric Line, but will be operating on a “modified weekday schedule” today (Monday, Feb. 4) as repairs continue to damage caused by a Canadian National freight-train derailment last we...

Brian Schmidt, Editor, Classic Trains magazine

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