Metra cicero station damaged

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Metra cicero station damaged
Posted by blue streak 1 on Tuesday, November 27, 2018 5:59 AM
BNSF freight takes out station platform damage unknown at this time
Metra Alert BNSF - Inbound train service temporarily suspended at Cicero station Tuesday morning starting with train # 1210 - Freight derailment

Attention BNSF riders who board at the Cicero Station. Due to damage to the platform canopy caused by a freight derailment Monday evening, Metra customers are advised that the BNSF inbound trains will not stop at cicero during the Tuesday morning rush hour beginining with BNSF train # 1210, which departs Cicero at 6:31 a.m.. Inbound service at Cicero is expected to be restored by train #1260, which departs Cicero at 9:38 a.m.. Passengers who normally board inbound trains at Cicero are advised to use either the BNSF LaVergne or Halsted Street station or the CTA Pink line for inbound trips. BNSF outbound service will continue to stop at Cicero Tuesday morning. Metra will provide updated information as it becomes available and apologize for the inconvenience.


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Posted by CSSHEGEWISCH on Tuesday, November 27, 2018 6:59 AM

That explains the delay announcements for BNSF that were being made at CUS while I was heading for my ride home (Track 16, 5:18pm).

The daily commute is part of everyday life but I get two rides a day out of it. Paul

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