Illinois Terminal Remnants

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Illinois Terminal Remnants
Posted by daveklepper on Thursday, January 2, 2020 7:33 AM

How much of the IT is still in service for freight railroads?  What happened to its St. Louis Building, the station, tracks, and platforms in the basement, and the RoW to the McKinley Bridge?


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Posted by Overmod on Thursday, January 2, 2020 11:21 AM

The remaining ownership rights to IT were rolled into Norfolk Southern in 1982.

In 1989 NS sold the operations around St. Louis to a company called Ironhorse Resources, which set up "Railroad Switching Service of Missouri" .  This was abandoned January 12, 2005, and the elevated ROW to the McKinley Bridge was sold to Great Rivers Greenway for $1.5M.  They have plans for something similar to the High Line Park, with an estimated budget north of $60 million (!)

Here is an audio link to a 20-minute program describing the plans.

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Posted by daveklepper on Thursday, January 2, 2020 4:30 PM

The building included in the sale?

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Posted by mudchicken on Thursday, January 2, 2020 11:49 PM

(1) Hartford to Wanda on the Edwardsville line survives as refinery access


(2) Granite City to Harford to East Alton is the two train a day branch still in place and used by NS.

Mudchicken Nothing is worth taking the risk of losing a life over. Come home tonight in the same condition that you left home this morning in. Safety begins with ME.... cinscocom-west

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