Help with engine flag I.D.?

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Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, June 16, 2007 3:55 PM

 kenneo wrote:
Sounds like patched and re-cycled BC Rail units, but I have no idea who the current owner would be.

Helm bought the ex-Kennecott units BC Rail had owned. GE capital also has at least one of the former Oneida & Western units.

KCCX 101-107/BC Rail 736-742/HLCX 6402-6410

O&W 9956/BC Rail 749/GECX 749


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Posted by kenneo on Wednesday, June 13, 2007 8:51 PM
Sounds like patched and re-cycled BC Rail units, but I have no idea who the current owner would be.
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Help with engine flag I.D.?
Posted by trestrainfan on Sunday, June 3, 2007 7:35 PM

I was driving west on I-10 today from Palm Desert towards the Inland Empire part of California. You can view trains at various locations along this route. The majority of the locomotives are Union Pacific mostly hauling double stack containers.

 I came into one section, and saw a train lead by 4 engines, 2 were CSX, 1 was Chessie, and 2 was BNSF. I was engrossed in seeing these engines, so I just caught a glimpse of the engines on a train heading east on the line behind it. This train had 3 engines. The lead engine was Union Pacific. I didn't get a very good look at the other two, but I'll describe them. They had a 3 color scheme of 3 broad horizontal stripes. The bottom band was red, the middle band was white, and the top band was either black or a very dark blue. Large red letters on the white band spelled out something like FREELAND OR FREEMAN or something similar.

 Is anyone familar with company?


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