New JerseyTransit exercises option for ALP-45DP locomotives

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New JerseyTransit exercises option for ALP-45DP locomotives
Posted by Anonymous on Monday, March 12, 2018 5:04 AM

While browsing I ran across the following Bombardier press release of January 2, 2018:

NJT exercises an option for 17 additional Bombardier ALP-45DP locomotives. The order is valued approxemately $160 Mio.

The diesel engines of the dual power locomotive will need to be Tier 4 compliant. The Cat 3512HD engines in the existing locomotives are only Tier 3.

In the thread about new VIA equipment was stated that VIA looks for dual power:

So I thought I post it here. If VIA can live with 100 mph on diesel power there might be a fitting candidate.

It will be interesting to see how Bombardier will fit the SCR equipment into the locomotive without exceeding the the 188,000 lbs weight limit for going faster than 79 mph.

The locomotive is quite cramped:

Figure 3 on page 6 shows the layout. Perhaps they can sacrifice one walkway as Siemens did in their Charger.

And there remains to be seen if they can put more powerful diesel engines into the locomotive for higher speeds than 100 mph. They have to provide 600 hp HEP too.
Regards, Volker


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