Someone's Going To Be In DEEP Doo-Doo!

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Posted by wjstix on Monday, November 7, 2022 11:29 AM

If you check out the Paradise PA railcam (link below) and scroll back to about 11:18 EST, you can see 475 on the train and see how the run-around works. The switch they ran through in right in the foreground in front of the camera. There isn't really much trackage there, that track is just a spur track with some very old pieces of equipment sitting on it. I've been watching Paradise off and on for a year or more and I'd never seen that switch thrown for the spur track until the accident. At the other end of the run-around is a track running under the bridge in the distance. That track is the track that the MOW people were apparently working on the day/night before the accident.

Paradise, Pennsylvania USA | Virtual Railfan - YouTube



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