NS Chicago line derailment

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Posted by t.winx on Sunday, June 17, 2007 10:13 PM
When I ran into some skateboarder kids in Chesterton in May they actually seemed like nice kids, and one even said he liked trains!!Big Smile [:D]Cool [8D]Big Smile [:D] Not all skateboarder kids are stupid, but I have to admit I never have been a fan of skaters either, especially ones that lift rail onto busy mainlines that I frequently visit....
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NS Chicago line derailment
Posted by f22 on Saturday, June 16, 2007 4:56 PM
I heard that on Wed. June 13 at 6:20 am a UP engine hit a piece of rail that was 20 inches long and it hopped of the tracks causing damage to the engine and tracks. The police think it was some kids who lifted the rail on the tracks. Chesterton always has problems with these stupid skateboarder kids being bored and messing with the tracks. This might cause NS to start putting no treespassing signs and enforcing no treesing like Conrail did. Does anybody have any more information? I'm going there tonight to check the place out.

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