Danville IL has an unofficial Watching spot for NS

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Danville IL has an unofficial Watching spot for NS
Posted by stridge on Wednesday, May 30, 2007 10:08 AM

When the State made the Gilbert Street Bridge taller they created a nice train watching spot right next to the NS St.Louis-Detroit main line(Wabash)>
This line has fast and frequent traffic, ranging from road railers to a lot of auto parts. Power is a mix of NS, UP and an few CN/IC units.

To get to it take S.Gilbert Street to 4th street, turn west go to Forrest( next block , turn left go to end and turn left on Parker, go to stop sign and turn left. There your are on a cul-de-sac.Sit back and wait for the next movement on this double track speedway. I'll bet you won't have to wait 30 minutes for the next. 


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