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Posted by henry6 on Tuesday, August 25, 2015 3:51 PM

Me and a group of friends like to ride trains, especially commuter trains, for the variety of equipment and scenery it presents as well as the low cost in affords us, especially being offered the senior fares. We do it usually in the NY City and Philadelphia areas and all forms of public transportation are used to complete a day's worth of riding.  Since I plan the trips, set dates, etc., we call them Ridewithmehenry, for which I am not compensated except where we share gas on the drive from the Binghamton, NY area.  On Wed Sept. we plan on riding the NJT Hackettstown line to Hoboken, PATH to Manhatten, get a look at the new Fulton St. subway station complex, ride the 4 or 5 train to Grand Central Terminal, MNRR to Wassaic, and return perhaps via the Times Sq. Shuttle, the N or R or Q train to Penn Station, then NJT back to our car.  Simple and fun and always open to anyone who wants to join us.  I post the trips via Facebook or direct emails to those who wish to be included.  Costs you nothing but whatever your train fare and meals.  Let me know if you are interested to be included.


RIDEWITHMEHENRY is the name for our almost monthly day of riding trains and transit in either the NYCity or Philadelphia areas including all commuter lines, Amtrak, subways, light rail and trolleys, bus and ferries when warranted. No fees, just let us know you want to join the ride and pay your fares. Ask to be on our email list or find us on FB as RIDEWITHMEHENRY (all caps) to get descriptions of each outing.

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Posted by henry6 on Wednesday, August 26, 2015 10:06 AM

I'd like to add that I posted the above not to solicit or invite, but anyone and all are always welcome to join us en route on any trip, but to point out that standing in one spot or chasing trains in a car, are not the only ways to find picture locations or to get pictures...riding your local commuter railroads and making connections can be fun as well as explortive in finding trackside locations....


RIDEWITHMEHENRY is the name for our almost monthly day of riding trains and transit in either the NYCity or Philadelphia areas including all commuter lines, Amtrak, subways, light rail and trolleys, bus and ferries when warranted. No fees, just let us know you want to join the ride and pay your fares. Ask to be on our email list or find us on FB as RIDEWITHMEHENRY (all caps) to get descriptions of each outing.

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Posted by henry6 on Friday, September 18, 2015 4:19 PM

Our next adventure is Friday October 2nd and will join with a group of about 8 from Philadelphia whose aim is to ride all the former DL&W lines operated by NJT today.  Their journey starts out of Paoli, PA on Amtrak to Newark Penn Sta. where they'll board NJT to Hoboken then to Gladstone on train 413.  My group will board 413 at Summit having driven from Binghamton, NY to Hackettstown, NJ to board NJT.  We expect there to be almost 20 of us, mostly seniors, who will lunch at Gladstone then ride to Newark Broad St. station before boarding a Montclair Boonton line train to Dover then transfer to a Hackettstown train.  We will remain in Hackettstown while the group will go east to NY Penn Station with a change to Mid Town direct at Summit.  If anyone want to join us that day, please let me know where and when and so I can give you the exact schedule and food arrangements.  Train fares are applicable rates as of Oct 1st.  No extra charges.

RIDEWITHMEHENRY is the name for our almost monthly day of riding trains and transit in either the NYCity or Philadelphia areas including all commuter lines, Amtrak, subways, light rail and trolleys, bus and ferries when warranted. No fees, just let us know you want to join the ride and pay your fares. Ask to be on our email list or find us on FB as RIDEWITHMEHENRY (all caps) to get descriptions of each outing.

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