camping near the raiload tracks in Ohio.

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camping near the raiload tracks in Ohio.
Posted by zionhillfarm on Friday, June 21, 2013 5:36 PM

I'm sure everyone remebers the I Love Lucy episode (First Stop) with the trains passing through all night long. I would love to camp at a place like that. Is there any camp grounds in Ohio that are way out in Farmland, but with busy tracks real close by? Part of the thrill for me and my family is hearing the whistle blowing miles before it reaches you. Any ideas or thoughts would be great. Thanks


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Posted by CPRail43 on Thursday, January 16, 2014 10:27 PM
This will probably be a useless comment since your very far away from my area. I don't know of any spots in the US. But whenever your planning a trip to western Canada, there's two spots that I know of which could be chosen. The best one was at a campground in Southern Alberta, about an hour or more west of Lethbridge, where the camping area is within walking distance from the Canadian Pacific mainline that runs through. A nice waterfall is there, and the railway crosses a neat bridge too. You can see not only CP locos, but a lot of UP AC45CCTEs as well. The campground by the way is Lundbrek Falls Recreation Area. Another, which you'll have to drive from campground to the tracks, but still hear the horns is at Fernie, BC, about two hours west of Lethbridge. Nice mountainous area, which is great for the family. The tracks pass through town. The best place to watch is at a skatepark, which sits right beside a level crossing. CP and UP are both very common. The campground to stay at is Mount Fernie Provincial Park.
Sorry about the inconvenience of no closer locations, but I hope these would come to mind next time your in Western Canada.
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Posted by zionhillfarm on Friday, January 24, 2014 2:30 PM

No, it is not a useless comment. We have been wanting to go camping in the western part of Canada, so now we know where to go to find the trains. Thanks.

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Posted by floridad on Monday, January 27, 2014 8:42 PM

Coollots of camp sites along the florida east coast railroad and right now it is warmer than where u r.Big Smile

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Posted by ruderunner on Thursday, March 27, 2014 10:18 AM

Ridge Ranch campground near Windham OH is near some tracks, but they aren't especially busy.  The tracks are ex Erie or the BO/PRR line in the area and serve the Ravenna Arsenal facility.

I think West Branch state park is near some NS or CSX tracks but I'm not sure if camping is availible (fishing is!)

If you don't mind primitive camping and a wild crowd, there's a couple campgrounds in the Wellsville/Yellow Creek area and NS does use those tracks.

Modeling the Cleveland and Pittsburgh during the PennCentral era starting on the Cleveland lakefront and ending in Mingo junction

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Posted by CHANCE2195 on Monday, June 23, 2014 9:55 PM
Lazy J in Bellevue. Trains non stop. Plenty of places to watch a short drive from the camp ground.

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