Hello from TEGirl

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Hello from TEGirl
Posted by Tegirl44 on Wednesday, October 19, 2011 1:58 PM

Interested in learning how to run the trains without running them so I love talking to locomotive engineers. Interesting stuff. Probably some mecahnics, too. And a few pictures here and there, a few switch keys and an overwhelming curiosity. I have a growing list of questions, guess its my curious nature. Sweet train dreams! TEGirl

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Posted by pajrr on Thursday, October 20, 2011 3:55 PM

Hi! Welcome aboard! Locomotive operations can be fun. A great way to be introduced to them is to acquire locomotive operation mauals. These are available on ebay and at train shows. They give the fundamentals of train operation. The ones that are really neat to get (at least for me) are from the early years of diesels (i.e. EMD F-3, ALCO RS-1,2 & 3, etc. ) These early manuals have sections on how to operate these "new fangled"  diesel locomotives in conjunction with steam locomotives. Most of these manuals also have diagrams and explainations of the different systems on board.

   Are there any tourist railroads near you? Most of these operations will permit locomotive cab rides, either charging a reasonable fee or just for the signing of an insurance release form. Some tourist railroads even have "engineer for a day programs" where a basic course is taught  to people and then the guest actually get to operate the real locomotive (with proper qualified supervision, of course) You don't say how old you are.  Most places require the rider or student to be 18 years of age or older.

      In any event I hope you get enjoyment from the hobby. I have been a railfan for 40+ years and I still learn things that increase the enjoyment.


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Posted by Stourbridge Lion on Thursday, October 20, 2011 4:12 PM

You don't say how old you are.  Most places require the rider or student to be 18 years of age or older.

Now now, no asking about someones age...  Angel

Welcome Aboard TEGirl!!!!!!!

BTW:  I have taken some of those Cab Rides the pajrr is taking about and they are lots of fun!

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Posted by Tegirl44 on Thursday, October 20, 2011 5:46 PM

Hi I'm so excited to get your message. yes in fact there is a tourist railroad it's the Orange Empire Railway museum and I did get a ride in a cab the engine was acquired in 1983 by the museum, can't remember the maker, not sure I even know it. they ahve an Alco 98 I keep confusing it with this one, but it's much smaller than the Alco98 and it saw service in Iraq in World War II. I wrote an article about it and have some pictures I'll have to get off someone else's camera.


We have a train show coming up in February I'll have to find an operations manual then. I knew I could find something there to buy. :): I talk to engineers about dynamic breaking and such things it's interesting to learna bout the different breaking systems. You say you've been a railfan forty plus years the engineer that helps me out has been running trains that long and one of our railfans has been watching trains that long, and one of the museum guys has been there that long, there's something magical about year 40 I guess. I think that's why trains intrigue me, there is so much to learn, the possibilities are endless. By the way, I'm way over 18. Do you have a favorite locomotive?

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Posted by Tegirl44 on Thursday, October 20, 2011 7:15 PM

ahahaha I dont' mind saying my age. I'm 45, one year older than my screen name says. I call myself the star struck middle-aged adolescent railfan. Yep, that's me! I find trains fascinating on a variety of levels. Personalities, mechanics, history, scenery, specs, pictures, it's all here. There are probably people on this site who know me.


the cab ride was fun. It happened in april and the engineer let me sit in front of the control pannel. Now I know what my other engineers are talking about. By the way, I am blind, but no less curious, just couldn't get certified to run the loco but doesn't stop me from wanting to run it. I don't know sometimes my engineers tell me it's hard to see out the window but I ran one of the street cars at the museum and I don't like not knowing how far things are from me, somethign I don't get when I'm behind glass. Extremely fascinated by running those locomotives.

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Posted by pajrr on Thursday, October 20, 2011 7:43 PM

TEGirl: Favorite locomotive? Any steam, especially 2-8-0, 2-8-2, 4-6-2. As far as diesels, anything WITHOUT a wide cab, especially 1st and 2nd generation---F- units, E-units, GPs up to GP-40, Any Alco, GEs up to the Dash-7 series. Favorite diesel cab ride- E-8 locomotive, hearing the 2 prime movers rev up. Favorite steam cab ride: a big 2-8-0 on a 3% grade. The stoker was broken and 2 firemen took turns shovelling to keep up with steam demand! I have been 198,000 across the US by train and have 198,000 miles of stories that go with them.

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