freight train/BNSF/ throught East Dubuque,IL

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freight train/BNSF/ throught East Dubuque,IL
Posted by helga olson on Friday, September 30, 2011 8:08 PM

does anyone know how I could possibly find a schedule for the many trains that pass within two blocks of our house.  Our little neighborhood is COMPLETELY trapped by freight trains that are either leaving off or taking on cars.  My last wait was 35 agonizing minutes, as I was late for a doctor appt.   I can't help but think what would happen if we had a real emergency--------take our life in our own hands and crawl under a train so as to be picked up by an ambulence.  Can anyone help me.


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Posted by beaulieu on Monday, October 3, 2011 12:21 PM

In an Emergency requiring Police, Fire, or Ambulances their Dispatchers have a direct number to contact the railroad to request the crossing be cleared. I have heard this on the scanner for LaCrosse, WI and Staples, MN. Your local Emergency Services should be able to do the same.

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Posted by SUX V R40 Rider on Tuesday, December 13, 2011 12:53 AM


In an Emergency requiring Police, Fire, or Ambulances their Dispatchers have a direct number to contact the railroad to request the crossing be cleared. I have heard this on the scanner for LaCrosse, WI and Staples, MN. Your local Emergency Services should be able to do the same.

That will come as little comfort when someone needs immediate emergency services that cannot take place because they have to wait for the railroad to be contacted to clear the crossing.

In my community there is an ordinance/law that a train cannot block a roadway for more than 10 min. at a time. They violate this all the time because it is cheaper to pay the fines then it is to unblock the roadway to let other traffic through. It is also cheaper to pay the settlement in a law suit when they are sued by families of dead loved ones because they were blocking a crossing and emergency services could not get through in time.

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