Vehicles for LNER and LMS 00 Gauge

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Vehicles for LNER and LMS 00 Gauge
Posted by DrambuieLouie on Thursday, February 24, 2011 11:56 AM

I have been planning a layout employing the steam era trains of the London North East Railway and the London Midland Scottland Railway during the period 1920 - 1948.  Does anyone know a source (hopefully stateside) for 00 Scale vehicles such as lorries, cars, taxis, busses, etc?  I've found some on eBay UK but often the postage costs more than the model.  

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Posted by samfp1943 on Thursday, February 24, 2011 6:31 PM

WELL, Louie: 

                Welcome            First of all welcome to this Forum ( of TRAINS Mag.) 

                             The group that comes here primarily deals in the 1 Foot to 1 Foot Gauge stuff.

                               The Forums of Model Railroader Magazine  would probably be much more appropriate for your question.  

                              I did a fast search for the 00 gauge ofyour question. I found this link by way of explanation as to what, where and How was the 00 gauge. 


       Admittedly, Wikilipedia  is not considered to be definitive, but was a place for me to start.   OO gauge is roughly the same size as HO gauge here, but somewhat on a larger scale(?).  I guess it was/ is sort of like Maerklin was some years back ( a sort of tinplate HO(?). 

Any way the link mentions some manufacturers and productys- Maybe it will help, HOpefully!Smile, Wink & Grin

And on You Tube as well, a number of  00 gauge videos:

Good Luck on your search, and visit here anttime! 




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Posted by DrambuieLouie on Friday, February 25, 2011 10:04 AM

Hey there, Sam,

Thanks for the nice welcome and for the Wikipedia and You Tube links.  I will check them out for sure.  Being a newbie here, I also appreciate your advice about which forum would be more helpful and will try to get connected at Model Railroader.  My 00 stock is essentially Hornby products.  The 00 scale ratio is 1:76 while HO is 1:87 so the two scales are fairly compatible.  Fortunately, since the track gauge for both is 16.5 mm (0.650 in), my British 00 trains can run on American HO track.   Makes my life a wee bit easier.

Best wishes... 

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