Mookie's Thread

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Posted by rrnut282 on Saturday, September 15, 2018 8:55 PM

I've been MIA on this forum for a while, and noticed this today.  Thanks to Ed for creating this thread, otherwise, Mookie's passing might have gone unnoticed.  We are all dimished by her loss.  My condolances to driver and family.  

Mike (2-8-2)
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Posted by moelarrycurly4 on Friday, September 7, 2018 8:26 PM

I have not been on this forum  in a while and I am saddened to hear of Mookie's passsing.

Condolences to all. 

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Posted by Shadow the Cats owner on Sunday, August 26, 2018 1:27 PM

I lost my father 8 years ago my mother 13 years ago my husband lost his father 4 years ago.  Trust us the pain never totally goes away it just becomes more bearable with time.  When my hubby talks about some of the stuff him and his dad pulled on his mother and on unsuspecting dispatchers in their careers I can still see the pain in his eyes remembering his father's laugh at the end of it all.  

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Posted by samfp1943 on Saturday, August 25, 2018 7:44 PM

Modelcar wrote the following[in part]

A few comments if I may....."Jen". 

I'm assuming this post that mentions "Driver is going to be lost" a genuine serious thought....As I'd simply like to add a few lines.

May the Lord Bless Driver.  And may he be comforted with our thoughts from this forum showing how important a Lady she was to many.

But I'm sure he is already comforted by that...Quentin Mong {Modelcar}.

Just to add slightly, to Quentin's Comment:

To Jen's spouse Driver (ED): Echoing Quentin's heartfelt comment. Some of us, who post on these Forums, have felt the loss of a spouse.. It is never easy, and each will grieve differently, but still such a loss is traumatic, and not something one gets over quickly. 

A true help is that of one's family and friends. Talk with them, and they will listen.  Don't bottle up those emotions.  Get them out, listen to yourself; each repetiton makes it a little easier to deal with the loss, and to understand that the loss of a spouse does not end your life, but simply sends one in a new direction. 

  Your friends and family will understand; and help you through the process of grieving.    Prayers, and long talks with those of religious professions; and whomever(?) you talk to, when you want a higher power to speak to. 

As Quentin said "...Lord Bless Driver..." and Jen's family as well. 





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Posted by Firelock76 on Saturday, August 25, 2018 4:55 PM

I was out of town and away from the computer when Ed posted this thread, sorry I'm late.

My sincere sympathies to Driver and all of Mookie's family and especially to her friends of the Forum.  I didn't know her except from her posts but she always sounded like a fun person.

And I'm sure Lucius Beebe has a special table reserved for her at a swanky cafe', certainly one with a view of a passing 20th Century Limited pulled by a Dreyfuss Hudson. 

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Posted by Modelcar on Saturday, August 25, 2018 4:44 PM

Shadow the Cats owner

My husband told some of the stories of some of the threads Mookie and him conversed in years ago.  He went on to say Driver is going to be lost and Al Kalmbach and David P Morgan are having one heck of a good time with her upstairs going to their favorite spots up there.


[quote user="Shadow the Cats owner"]

My husband told some of the stories of some of the threads Mookie and him conversed in years ago.  He went on to say Driver is going to be lost and Al Kalmbach and David P Morgan are having one heck of a good time with her upstairs going to their favorite spots up there.


A few comments if I may....."Jen".

I'm assuming this post that mentions "Driver is going to be lost" a genuine serious thought....As I'd simply like to add a few lines.

May the Lord Bless Driver.  And may he be comforted with our thoughts from this forum showing how important a Lady she was to many.

But I'm sure he is already comforted by that...Quentin Mong {Modelcar}.



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Posted by Shadow the Cats owner on Saturday, August 18, 2018 3:52 PM

My husband told some of the stories of some of the threads Mookie and him conversed in years ago.  He went on to say Driver is going to be lost and Al Kalmbach and David P Morgan are having one heck of a good time with her upstairs going to their favorite spots up there.

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Posted by Overmod on Saturday, August 18, 2018 9:34 AM

It has taken me all this time to come to grips with this.  It was an honor to have been considered a friend by her.

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Posted by edblysard on Saturday, August 18, 2018 9:03 AM


23 17 46 11

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Posted by Randy Stahl on Saturday, August 18, 2018 6:19 AM

I can't think of any words.. I just reviewed all of her PMs to me..

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Posted by ricktrains4824 on Thursday, August 16, 2018 5:00 PM

Condolences to Driver, and to all of Mookie's friends.

Her presence will be missed here.

Ricky W.

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Posted by Deggesty on Thursday, August 16, 2018 1:45 PM

I'll confess that I do not remember what the "yellow thingies" were/are. Can someone enlighten me?

Thanks, MC, for the explanation of the tin shoes.

I remember the food wars.


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Posted by zugmann on Thursday, August 16, 2018 1:38 PM

The "yellow thingies" will forever stay in the forum lexicon.

I've used those yellow thingies.  Confused the people I worked with at the time - even they didn't know their purpose.

It's been fun.  But it isn't much fun anymore.   Signing off for now. 


The opinions expressed here represent my own and not those of my employer, any other railroad, company, or person.t fun any

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Posted by mudchicken on Thursday, August 16, 2018 1:30 PM

Murphy Siding

Brian- Can you explain the tin shoes to us not in the know?



Not sure when it was that I met her and Carl in Rochelle, but at the time I took a candid shot of them and posted it on the forum.  She DID NOT like that, and threatened to come and "scratch my feet" with her cat's paws.  Hence, MC suggested I buy tin shoes and wear them.


It started with Dan, Wabbo and LC suggesting a suit of armor. Slowly worked it's way down to just the tin shoes.

The asparagus barrier at the Nebraska/ Colorado border has also joined the tin shoes in retirement. (boy could she could dish it out as well as take it)

The "yellow thingies" will forever stay in the forum lexicon.

(about 8 years ago, the Iowa Northwestern took her out on a dinner train and she spent about 45 minutes behind the throttle of their ex-BCRY RS-36. Driver said she was giddy like a 5-year old for days...)

Mudchicken Nothing is worth taking the risk of losing a life over. Come home tonight in the same condition that you left home this morning in. Safety begins with ME.... cinscocom-west
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Posted by samfp1943 on Thursday, August 16, 2018 5:50 AM



Here is a fine exchange of postings... revealing the origin of 3 avatar names.

Dang cant get it to light up  

  From a post by Mookie[ shared by Minningman]:

Posted by Mookie on Monday, June 13, 2016 11:49 PM

"...I would hope that, to the extent I have some small reservoir of knowledge,  I can teach without demeaning others.  Apparently, however, that's not the way this forum works..."

[Mookie's response]

'...That is a big brush you are using.  The forum works just fine.  Like the proverbial box of chocolates: you really don't know what you will get, and some are nuts.  But as far as participation, I haven't really read any of your posts.  So if you would like to explain anything about your job, or yourself, you would have a willing listener.  And I don't even mind that I am a female - if you don't.  Your choice..."

[Illustrates a point i had made earlier; referring to Mookies ability to be to the point and able to cut straight to an issue.]





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Posted by Miningman on Thursday, August 16, 2018 12:32 AM

Thank you Dude!...Scroll down to the last 2 postings for a great reveal and picture and up a bit for the Overmod/Mookie cartoon. 

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Posted by SD70Dude on Thursday, August 16, 2018 12:07 AM


Dang cant get it to light up

Let there be light


Greetings from Alberta

-an Articulate Malcontent

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Posted by blhanel on Wednesday, August 15, 2018 10:44 PM

Murphy Siding

Brian- Can you explain the tin shoes to us not in the know?

Not sure when it was that I met her and Carl in Rochelle, but at the time I took a candid shot of them and posted it on the forum.  She DID NOT like that, and threatened to come and "scratch my feet" with her cat's paws.  Hence, MC suggested I buy tin shoes and wear them.

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Posted by Miningman on Wednesday, August 15, 2018 10:05 PM


Here is a fine exchange of postings... revealing the origin of 3 avatar names.

Dang cant get it to light up 









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Posted by Murphy Siding on Wednesday, August 15, 2018 10:00 PM




The time that a bunch of us--the Blysards, Willie and his parents, Brian Hanel, Mudchicken and Boss Hen, and Pat and I--joined them at this spot, we all had a fantastic time watching trains, and at the lunch for all, the supper for some, and the small gathering in her living room at the end of that day in October 2005.  It was somebody's birthday--I can't remember whose, among that crowd of early/mid October birthdays.  BH?  Aimee?


Not me- mine's in May.

I will miss her as well.  I guess I can throw away the tin shoes now... Sad


Brian- Can you explain the tin shoes to us not in the know?

Thanks to Chris / CopCarSS for my avatar.

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Posted by CShaveRR on Wednesday, August 15, 2018 9:59 PM


And here's a shot of Mookie's favorite train-watching spot where I did manage to get her in the picture- second from left.

Watching Trains in Lincoln


I could post a shot of her from Rochelle, but that's the one that led to the need for "tin shoes"- I don't want to risk her coming back from the grave to get me.

In this picture, for the record, we have (left to right) BC (CShaveRR), SJ (Mookie), Pat Shaver, Tom (Willy's dad), Boss Hen, Mudchicken, and Ed Blysard.




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Posted by ChuckCobleigh on Wednesday, August 15, 2018 6:25 PM

When I read Ed's post Monday night, I was nearly dumbstruck.  Reading the many posts, comments and rememberances that followed, I have had the feeling of being at a quiet post-service gathering, sitting around with other folks who knew her and bringing up many fond memories and some occasional exchanges with her on many threads.  This community has had people come and go in this forum in the time I have been following it, but I don't think there is anyone who will be more sorely missed.

Somehow, my "happy place" mental picture is seeing her in the cab of a Burlington steamer with her father at the throttle, having the time of her afterlife.

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Posted by Electroliner 1935 on Wednesday, August 15, 2018 4:14 PM

Ed, thanks for the notice. And to all of the others that have added their feelings. I only knew her through her postings but I always appreciated her posts. It saddens me to learn of her passing. Except for a few trollls on the forum, I appreciate everyone on the forum and  wish you good health and long life.

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Posted by AgentKid on Wednesday, August 15, 2018 3:50 PM

This is deeply sad news.

I read this right after I woke up yesterday and it was not how I wanted to start my day. My sincere condolences to "Driver" and the rest of her family.

I haven't been feeling great myself lately and there are several threads I want to post to, even if briefly, today.




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. . . __ . ______

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Posted by Modelcar on Wednesday, August 15, 2018 3:49 PM

Just noticed this picture of the spot so dear to our super gal "Mookie"...Jen, as I always referred to.  First, thank you "blhanel", for posting this picture.  Not sure if I ever have seen the image before that was Jen's place to check it all out.

I was shocked to hear of Jen's passing when I saw some comments regarding it from Carl.

The words are about used up to describe this lady....But I certainly want to mention her in my own few words on here as well.  And I sure want to pass condolence on to driver, Ed.  I'm so sorry for your loss.  May the Lord provide means that help as you go forward without your mate.  

Seems the word "Jen" to me could actually mean the RR forum of which she had respect of so many who frequented this communication site.  I really felt sad upon hearing of her leaving us in the past several days.  For me personally, a bit of frustration is involved.  I have communicated with her at times via the computer over the years and even discussed some of my issues over the years.  I'd give her an update on occasion.  I was thinking it's time to touch base with Jen...Been doing that for several weeks now, and as we do at times.....I'll do it tomorrow, etc.....And having put that off and now learning she can't be here to receive it anymore really hurt. I'm sorry I missed one more communication with her.  I never met her except on here in our communication....However, that seemed good enough to really be close to her, and enjoy the thoughts and wit she put across when she appeared on this forum.

May the Lord Bless driver....Ed, and may he be comforted with our thoughts from this forum showing how important a lady she really was.  But I'm sure he already is comforted by that.

Quentin Mong



And here's a shot of Mookie's favorite train-watching spot where I did manage to get her in the picture- second from left.

Watching Trains in Lincoln


I could post a shot of her from Rochelle, but that's the one that led to the need for "tin shoes"- I don't want to risk her coming back from the grave to get me.



And here's a shot of Mookie's favorite train-watching spot where I did manage to get her in the picture- second from left.

Watching Trains in Lincoln


I could post a shot of her from Rochelle, but that's the one that led to the need for "tin shoes"- I don't want to risk her coming back from the grave to get me.



And here's a shot of Mookie's favorite train-watching spot where I did manage to get her in the picture- second from left.

Watching Trains in Lincoln


I could post a shot of her from Rochelle, but that's the one that led to the need for "tin shoes"- I don't want to risk her coming back from the grave to get me.




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Posted by lenzfamily on Wednesday, August 15, 2018 11:17 AM

She was like 'Mom' on the forum at times, something we needed too......


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Posted by Shadow the Cats owner on Wednesday, August 15, 2018 6:26 AM

I never knew her sounds like her and I would have gotten along great.  However where I work it is 95% men the girls like me are all office.  However my boss knows I can make even our oldest driver come to Jesus with what he calls my mom look.  Why very simple I do it on a daily basis with drivers that are in my cubbie screaming about stuff I have zero control over.  From her postings I have read the forums lost one heck of a person.

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Posted by JoeKoh on Wednesday, August 15, 2018 3:12 AM

The picture and postcard from Mookies picture are in Matt's room.Have the picture from Rochelle with Carl and Mookies favorite engines(cream and green Bnsf sd 70 macs) on the wall as well.

stay safe


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Posted by CShaveRR on Tuesday, August 14, 2018 11:18 PM

Thanks for correcting the year of the big Camp Mookie gathering, Brian.  Perhaps it's just as well that I can't get my shot of the gang on there--it's the group photo, but she and Pat had traded places...


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