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DM&E vs Mayo: Who's side is TRAINS on anyway?
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<P>[quote user="TheAntiGates"]I applaud kalmbach's williingness to err on the side of objectivity, and not sully themselves with the kind of cherrypicked data slashing that has been displayed by many of DM&E proponents. Just because they are an industry organ does not dictate that they have to suck it up and play cheerleader, too.[/quote]</P> <P>What's so bloody objective about only telling one side of the story? If TRAINS had truly been objective, they'd have reported the alleged errors in <EM>both</EM> polls. Personally, I detest kalmbach's bent to err on the side of an extremely disingenuous minority.</P> <P>The PR.com story is more akin to an objective analysis, in that at least they err on the side of common sense.</P> <P>There is no virtue in propping up the views of a bunch of wackos, just to appear ostensibly *objective* to certain addlephiles.</P>
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