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Take all the proposed legislation, mix 'em together, and you almost have Open Access!
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[quote]QUOTE: <i>Originally posted by CSSHEGEWISCH</i> <br /><br />I may be guilty of oversimplifying, but jeaton is doing well by reminding all of us of an ancient curse: <br /> <br />"Be careful of what you wish for, you just might get it." <br />[/quote] <br /> <br />Actually, isn't that a country song? "Be careful what you wish for 'cause it someday might come true", or something like that. <br /> <br />And it's not a curse, it's an admonishment to think things through before you jump in lock stock and barrel. Intelligent human beings have the capacity to take an optimistic proposal and analyze the best and worse case scenarios, then compare those results to the status quo. That's precisely what the US forefathers did when they jumped into this hypothetical form of government known as "democracy". They are the ones who added items such as area representation (Senate) to population representation (House), the electoral college to elect the president, the balance of powers, etc. Even though it is technically still a work in progress, it has been a smashing success by most accounts. <br /> <br />We have some serious problems with the NA rail system. Not enough capacity (after having "too much" capacity just a few years ago!), obscene price discrimination (that for some reason gives the short end of the stick to the domestic rail shippers), lack of true market access to the infrastructure (which skews true market based pricing). There are proposals put out there by both sides, neither of which is a consensus preference. What I suggest is that all the proposals be consolidated in one bill, and let the overseers then kick the entire package around with the necessary remedies to produce an optimal proposal. That would be the most likely scenario for an open access package to emerge.
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