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Gunn Speaks Out
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[quote]QUOTE: <i>Originally posted by daveklepper</i> <br /><br />I still say Mineta was not doing his job, and if he had been, Gunn would have known he could get support and he would have called Mineta and said: "That dumb mayor woun't let me evacuate the helpless on a 20 car train leaving New Orleans in a few hours" and Mineta would have called Bush who would have read the riot act to the mayor and lives would have been saved. <br /> <br />But if Mineta would really have been doing his job we would have the very necessary National Public Transportation System in place, ready to react to any kind of emergency like Katrina or 11.09.01 or whatever, and the Mayor would have been given a preplanned scnereo adapted specifically to New Orleans. And the buses and trains would have arrived and the school buses would have been be part of anused. This would INTELLIGENT national transportation policy that would make for a strong USA. I remember the A-cards and WWII rationing and the USAmust be prepared for that kind of situation again. <br /> <br /> <br />[/quote] How does Mineta know about every Amtrak train leaving New Orleans? The mayor had already gotten a call from Amtrak. Mineta is not supposed to make up for every bungler who decided to toss their plan for that particular city right out the window. Let us review the facts: <br />1. New Orleans had a city specific evacuation plan, to get people without cars out first. <br />2. The buses were there, Mr. Nagin decided his people were too good for school busses, and didn’t use them. <br />3. The trains were running up to the last minute, but Mr. Nagin decided his people were too good for an Amtrak train. <br />Everything you suggest was in place except for another layer of bureaucracy <br /> <br />I am intrigued here, what do you mean by a National Public Transportation System in place? Do you mean on top of the best highway system in the world, or do you mean some sort free (i.e. tax payer provided) Amtrak service? <br />
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