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House Committee Hearing on Gunn's Firing
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[quote]QUOTE: <i>Originally posted by TomDiehl</i> <br /> <br />1. Since St Paul is a "heavily Democratic City," how did a Republican mayor get elected in the first place? <br /> <br />[/quote] <br /> <br />Probably the democrats were all out getting stoned last time and forgot to vote.[:D] <br /> <br />Seriously, you know nothing of political science. Remember Norm Coleman, the former mayor, former democrat turned Republican? Ever heard of coattails? <br /> <br />[quote]QUOTE: <br /> <br />2. Since 35% of the poll respondents were Republican: <br /> a. How many were Democrat? <br /> b. How many were Independant? <br /> <br />[/quote] <br /> <br />Well, Tommy, let's try some basic math. If 35% were Republican, you can subtract 35% from 100% and what do you get? That's right, 65%. So 65% of poll respondents were democrat/"independent". Good for you!! BTW, there's no need to break it down further, because democrats and so-called independents are pretty much the same. But for the sake of slaking curiosity, the figure I remember was 45% democrat, 20% "independent". <br /> <br />[quote]QUOTE: <br /> <br />Or are you trying to say that more Democrats are capable of independant thinking than Republicans? <br /> <br />[/quote] <br /> <br />LOL!! <br /> <br />No, what I am saying is that most democrats these days are completely incapable of forming an independent political thought, which is why most of the Bush-bashers on this forum draw their views straight from the democrat playbook. Otherwise, there'd be enough of a segment of democrats who would admit that they have no evidence that Bush "manipulated data" to get us into war, and therefore, it is idiotic to suggest such a thing. <br /> <br />[quote]QUOTE: <br /> <br />The blame on Bush supporting them was REPORTED by the media. The original quotes come from the offices of the elected officials. <br /> <br />[/quote] <br /> <br />Who taught you to write? That statement is so non-sensical and unstructured. So you're saying that the "blame" was "reported"? As opposed to not being reported? What has that got to do with anything? Are you saying the democrats (the source of the "blame") are the source of the slander that is being reported in the media? When has the media ever NOT been the sounding board for democrat talking points? <br /> <br />[quote]QUOTE: <br /> <br />I guess an independant media is a bad thing. We really need more scripted "news conferences" like Bush has been holding over the past 5 years. <br />[/quote] <br /> <br />The idea that the US media is "independent" is a joke, as per the last comment. When 80% of media members are admitted democrats, how can anyone make a statement of inference that the US media is "independent"? The only independent news source out there is FOX News, which has a myriad of conservative and liberal journalists making their opinions known. Yeah, they do have more conservatives than liberals, but that does not mirror the other networks, whose reporters are basically all liberals, with a token conservative thrown in now and then. Look at all the news shows on the other networks, you will typically have one conservative vs three or four liberals. Yeah, that's an independent media all right. (insert sarcastic smilie here)
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