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What would the founding fathers think about this.
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Democrats, this is your conscience. <u><font face="Times New Roman"><b><font size="6"><font color="red"><center> WAS IT WRONG TO OVER-THROW A DICATOR WHO MURDERED THOUSANDS OF HIS OWN PEOPLE A YEAR?!!! </font id="size6"></b></font id="red"></center></font id="Times New Roman"></u> <br />http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/2854019.stm Ahem, ahem. <br /> <br />http://www.state.gov/p/nea/rls/01fs/14906.htm http://usinfo.state.gov/products/pubs/iraq/timeline3.htm The proof is in the pudding, these violations alone, are strong indicators he was hiding something; and reason enough o invade! Why so you suppose he wouldn’t allow inspections. SO THEY WOULDN’T FIND THE WEAPONS. <br /> <br /><i><b> Saddam implied, according to the former Presidential Secretary, that Iraq would resume WMD programs after sanctions in order to restore the “strategic balance” within the region and, particularly, against Israel.</b></i><hr noshade size="1"> <br /> <br /><i><b>Following Husayn Kamil’s defection, Saddam took steps to better manage Iraqi industry, and with the creation of the Iraqi Industrial Committee (IIC) in September 1995, the stage was set for a renewal of Iraq’s chemical industry. The IIC coordinated a range of projects aimed at developing an indigenous chemical production capability for strategically important chemicals that were difficult to import under UN sanctions, according to reporting.<hr noshade size="1"> <br /> <br />Between 1996 and 2003, the IIC coordinated large and important projects for the indigenous production of chemicals. <br />· A written order from Saddam established the National Project for Pharmaceuticals and Pesticides (NPPP). NPPP focused on the synthesis of drugs and pesticides, for which Iraq in the past relied heavily on foreign suppliers. <br />· The IIC examined over 1,000 chemicals for initial R&D to determine the feasibility of scaled-up production. ISG notes that two chemicals on this list were compounds that are consistent with an experimental VX pathway. <br />· The process for vetting the 1,000 chemicals for economic feasibility and large-scale production was intensive and formalized. The IIC leadership built in several layers of review, research, and justification before compounds were selected for scale-up, raising further suspicion about the three compounds, particularly dicyclocarbodiimide (DCC)—a dehydrating agent that can be used as a VX stabilizer <br />· Dr. Ja’far Dhia Ja’far, and IIC member, could not recall which projects were accepted for scale-up but he knew that some compounds were dual-use and declarable to the UN, and that the National Monitoring Directorate (NMD) did not declare all of the chemicals. <hr noshade size="1"> <br /> Reports of an unexplained discovery of VX traces on missile warhead fragments in April 1997 led to further tension between UNSCOM and Iraq. The uneasy relationship escalated with the discovery of the ‘Air Force Document’ (see RSI chapter) in July 1998, which indicated further Iraqi deception and obfuscation over its CW disclosures. Iraq’s anger about these two major issues was a contributing factor to Saddam’s decisions to suspend cooperation with UNSCOM and IAEA. <br />· The lack of inspectors allowed further dual-use infrastructure to be developed. The lack of effective monitoring emboldened Saddam and his illicit procurement activities. <br />Concurrently, Iraq continued to upgrade its indigenous manufacturing capability, pursuing glass-lining technology and manufacturing its own multipurpose controllers. <br /> Scientists from the former CW program formulated agent simulants such as concentrated Malathion, a pesticide, and locally manufactured a copy of a system to disperse the simulant in 2001 and 2002.<hr noshade size="1"> <br /> Thionyl chloride, a controlled CW precursor that Iraq had used as a chlorinating agent in its sulfur mustard and nerve agent production processes up until 1990, was part of the program for the indigenous production of chemicals. The IIC tasked the Jaber Bin Hayan State Company between 1996 and 1998 to research the small-scale production of thionyl chloride, according to reporting. According to official reporting, thionyl chloride production was reported to Iraq’s National Monitoring Directorate.<hr noshade size="1"> <br /> Iraq began research on VX in the 1980s but failed to declare any production or attempts to produce VX until August 1995.</i></b><hr noshade size="1"> <br />Excerpts from: http://www.cia.gov/cia/reports/iraq_wmd_2004/chap5.html#sect0 <br />Why look at what your beloved Al Gore said in 1998. “ <br />"If you allow someone like Saddam Hussein to get nuclear weapons, ballistic missiles, chemical weapons, biological weapons, how many people is he going to kill with such weapons? He's already demonstrated a willingness to use these weapons. He poison-gassed his own people. He used poison gas and other weapons of mass destruction against his neighbors. This man has no compunction about killing lots and lots of people." <br />Only look here if not convinced the war is and was worth it. http://www.cia.gov/cia/reports/iraq_wmd_2004/images/ch5_img00.jpg <br /> <br />[quote]QUOTE: Again all your facts are based on pre-invasion intelligence that was openly criticized for being flawed by our allies.[/quote] A little proof please! Wasn’t it British intelligence information that helped get us started? <br />[quote]QUOTE: I've stated my last post of this as the original topic is now irrelevant. [/quote]Aren’t you proud of yourself for doing that! Well I don’t plan on having this thread derailed. Back to the subject! <br />
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