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What would the founding fathers think about this.
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[quote]QUOTE: <i>Originally posted by jeaton</i> <br /><br />James <br /> <br />In your red letter response to my view, you have suggested that the OPINIONS of two of our very intelligent founding fathers should have the same weight as the Bible, The Declaration of Independence, The US Constitution and Amendments. <br />[/quote]No I did not say that these were as important as these. I was carrying out to the logical conclusion you mooting their beliefs. If one start to say “well this does not matter any more, they are too old.” Or “ Well I am sure they would change their mind.” You open up the whole basis of our country to the same interpretation. <br />[quote]QUOTE: On the other hand, Jefferson and Adams were expressing their view of the way they wanted the United States to move forward. In the two centuries subsequent to their statements, our society and our leaders decided that we could go in a different direction. <br />[/quote]Have you ever wondered what you could do with the probably other third of your income if the government weren’t taking it? The path of our leaders is the same path taken thousands of years earlier by the Roman Republic; a path of corruption and greed. The founding fathers, especially Jefferson, were knowledgeable historians, these as you said are the paths they wanted our country to take. These words were not spoken lightly, neither were the spoken infrequently. These quotes of their voluminous work were based on the hindsight to try to prevent the repeating of history. <br />[quote]QUOTE: Solid and respected opinions come from careful evaluation of facts and circumstances. Over 200 years, the facts and circumstances relating to the isues of government involvement incommerce have changed very dramaticly and in ways the neither Jefferson nor Adams ever contemplated. That is why I have the view that their opinions are not relevant to today's issues and why any suggestions as to what they might think about government support of high speed passenger rail service is purely speculation.[/quote] These views were carried on much longer than their lifetimes take a look at this. <br /><i>“The history of liberty is a history of limitation of government power, not the increase of it.” -Woodrow Wilson 28th President of the United States.</i> <br />He saw things as they were over a full century after Adams, and Jefferson. To expand the government is to move away from liberty. To use the boondoggles of recent times as an excuse is as anti-gaites, put it perfectly: <i> well your son is addicted to heroin, maybe he should try crack too?</i> <br />As I said these views are not just a stated merely a couple times by a couple people, take a look for you self. <br /><i>Cherish public credit. One method of preserving it is to use it as sparingly as possible.” <br />- George Washington.</i> <br />You can’t say this too is moot! Building such a proposed system on public credit is hardly a sparing use of it. <br /><i>Every time government attempts to handle our affairs, it cost more and the results are worse than if we had handled them ourselves.”-Benjamin Constant, 1833-1891 Brazilian statesman.</i> <br />Hardly a founding father, but still quite right. Now as Futuremodal, suggested government does not have to RUN, it just fund it. This is a matter of feasibilities, which I will tackle in one of my next posts. <br /> <br />
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