Remote Controls and Dangerous people

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Remote Controls and Dangerous people
Posted by Anonymous on Monday, June 9, 2003 2:20 PM
It has come to my attention that there are 3 M's on thsai forum that need stricted guide lines for their remote control operators.

the LMNOP states:


section 1.

All railorad gates should be removed.. and placed in annoying peoples driveways, so when they try to leave, the gates sense tire movement and lower immediately. hence blockeing these certain types of people from ever leaving the security at home

Section 417b

a) under no circumstances should these people (defined in section E) have a right to rase havoc using other forms then their cars. Using the computer as a way to rhile people up is Strictly forbidden under the LMNOP code.

Section E

The following are ways to describe these people:
according to http:\\
Section E, ii A)
losers, morons, then unitelligent, 8, idiots, dunder heads, cone heads, blocke heads, donkey's, mule, lamb, fish head, dumbo, air head, iron head, lunk, chump, dolt...

Section F,
these people (refer to section E for definition) need extrele strict guidlines for their behavior.
the following are rules for their operators..

A) never let these people (refer to section E) out of your sight

B) never let them touch nor breath near a computer

C) NEVER ever let them drive, these are the type that don't look listen or live.

D) These type of people have absolutely nothing else to do other then to seek out trouble with normal people.

Section G states that:

If you ever whitness a form of this kind of crime, that the remote control operators are slacking off with these type of people (refer to section E for definition of these types)
please call 1-555-NO-DUMMY

thank you for your cooperation

for full legistaion details go to..

Should any of the M's want more on this law go to and click on.. "turn myself in"

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Posted by cabforward on Monday, June 9, 2003 4:56 PM
mr ?

appears to take great joy in citing a 'mock' law.. he should also review the 'actual' policy of this forum which admonishes contributors to refrain from personal attacks, inappropriate language, etc..

in view of this ?'s non-compliance with the forum's policy, there is no reason to think he has credibility in asking anyone to abide by any 'law' he suggests, whether humorous or serious..

one more thing, he was asked to post a 'detour' sign ahead of his comments, to warn readers of his 'editorials'..


Blue Streak

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Posted by BRAKIE on Monday, June 9, 2003 6:03 PM
The problem is there is more Truth in what he says then those that site car/train crashes and over look the real killers the drunk drivers and the nut cases behind the wheel that pulls out in front of trains,trucks and othermotorist.These drivers kill more people in a years time then any train at grade crossings..Ask any LEO.THEY KNOW THE FACTS!



Summerset Ry.

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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, June 9, 2003 8:38 PM
Cabforward this one is for you!



A sense of humor.. origanly 500.00 dollars, reduced to 29.95!

and upon purchase of the "sense of humor" We will give you a free "Fully-functional-brain" to replace whatever is functiong right now...

OFFER ENDS JUNE 20th 2003. soem restricions apply, results may vary.

if anyone else in this forum doesn't have a sense of humor.. read no more..

cabforward.. get a life OR EVEN BETTER, A SENSE OF HUMOR!

You of any relation to mike and missouri? they can't spot a joke if it was right in front of them.. and by the looks of it NEITHER CAN YOU!

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Posted by cabforward on Monday, June 9, 2003 8:52 PM
i couldn't care less about truth, lies or anything else.. the forum policy has limitations on what can be said here.. people who violate the policy need to be shown the door.. whoever doesn't like it -- ha! tough, it's their fault!


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Posted by cabforward on Monday, June 9, 2003 9:04 PM
bless you, impotent one, for your cranium is as vacant as the stare in a doe's eyes; your ruminations off the mark as a blind man shooting a bent arrow in a hurricane..

as you seem so confident in your position, which right now is a hunchback with his rear hanging over a latrine, please send mr ?'s comments to the editors and ask them if they would give their blessing to.. how should i say it? a mound of hazardous waste not seen since hannibal crossed the alps..


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Posted by wabash1 on Monday, June 9, 2003 9:34 PM
and you should be the first one to be shown the door as you sit there and cry about what some one says then like a kid go pick at him then go running back to the editor. like a kid. oh and dont let the door hit you either
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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, June 10, 2003 8:11 AM
J.. who were your comments thrown at.. me or Cabforward?

besides i'm not finished with you cabforward yet..

You comment on my bad behavior.. have you forgotten about the post where you cited only cheap shots? oh you forgot about that one too right?

Did you also forget about the time i offered my hand in an apology and that the joke i said was out of context, but instead of taking my hand.. like a mature human being.. you meerly looked at it and spat on it... soemhting even an immature kid wouldn't do?

I find your behavior appaling. for a grown man you act as immature as a child. You take everyhting so seriously.. It's your kind of people that make thjis world a more darker place for normal people to live in. I hope you don't mind... i'm not going to call you cabforward anymore, i will address you as Crabforward.. because

A) your a stick in the mud

B) you have the sense of humor equivalent or less then a deseased animal.

C)you one ginat crab, whos constantly angry at soemthing and cant take a joke

oh an Mr. ? was me, in case you suddenly forgot to read, or never bothered to take it up.

You WERE ONE to complain about the M&M twins, but ah yes, i see your behavior is as vile as theirs is.

So please, not only am i now insisting you get a brain, a sense of humor, i am also insisting that you get a back bone..

Editor, Editor this man was mean to me... he scared me so bad i peed my pants.. please have him banned..

for the record, Extremely immature.. your like a little brat, who if he doesn't get his way.. has to run and tell someone before just to make sure he's right

Look, i don't know what you suffer from, but in the real world outside your house, you will ahve to deal with a lot of people just like, (if you've ventured outside yet)

so you manage to get me banned.. what if they guy your working with is jsut like me... you gonna put duct tape around his mouth or somehting? MAYBE you mihgt be able to get him banned of a train!

This ban policy isn't going to protect you all your life..

Well i belive i'm now through.. oh my Iq is 103, not bad for someone who has.. what did you say "air in their head"


so Crabforward or Mr "je-connais-tout" J is right.. your the first one to moan and whine and complian.. AND YOUR ALSO the first one to say "don't be taken seriously" REMEBER THAT?

are you a schitzo or soemthing? because you contradidt yourself like the day is long...

oh and may i please have the honor of addressing you by your real name? this fake name stuff went out a while ago..

don't be a coward hiding behind moms dress.. unless you still are 5

which iq levels kinda do indicate your level is 5.

I'd let my Girlfriend have a few words wiht you, because she's dying to use you as her test subject.. (she's a psycologist, or studying to be one)

but i won't let her.. i don't want to be that mean..

It's clear that you ahve soem issues with people that say 1 word mean, make fun with mike and missouri, or people who use the word butt..

no, u have soem issues you need worked out.. i'm sorry for whoever agve you such a sheltered life.. it hasn't done you any good...

at all

Detour Kev.
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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, June 10, 2003 6:29 PM
Hehehe, Heeeeheeee. Sweet!

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