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Engineer improperly arrested in TX?
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[quote]<i>Originally posted by stdwight</i> <br /><br />Wandering astray, I wonder if the writer who bashed the press really read the story before commenting. I know journalists sometimes "slant" their stories, but as a professional journalist for 45 years, I saw a thorough, well-balanced story. <br />The reporter wrote what the engineer said, what the arresting officers said, what other officers at the scene said, and what everybody replied to what everybody else had said. How can one be more balanced. <br />Will <br />[ <br />/quote] If this is the way you saw it, then go back and read the whole story again. It said that the engineer said he saw the lights flashing, but the gates did not go down. So he stopped his train while the conductor(s)o got off and walked to the front of the train. When they saw no traffic coming, they flagged him to proceed (which he did with caution), when out of nowhere this car came along and hit the train. <br /> <br />Before stating the reporters are always right, read all of the words. I have seen stories get written and then twisted around to fit the way the reporter says it happened, when he/she didn't explain the whole story. <br /> <br />ralph zimmer ralphn9kym@aol.com
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