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[quote]QUOTE: <i>Originally posted by wabash1</i> <br /><br />dayliner you are so wrong.. to take pictures is your right but it dont make it rightto take pictures of crews on the trains. if you feel that it is your right to snap photo of crews then it ok for me to come to yor house and photo you and your wife by the pool or hot tub. how about the bed room. In other words dont come looking to take my picture unless i am ready to have it done. the problem with all you railfans is that you think you have the rightt to do what ever you want. when you want as long as it is on public property. if i decided to take pics of you at your house from the street then by the same token it was on public property . why such a problem with it because you take pictures of crew members breaking rules. simple enough. <br />[/quote] <br /> <br />I Don't think so- <br /> <br />Thats crazy, and doesn't make any sense whatsoever. <br /> <br />By Transporting goods, you put yourself in the public eye and make yourself more then likely to have your picture taken <br /> <br />Terms: 'More then likely', odds of 50% +1 <br /> <br />By swimming in my pool- I did not ask to be in the public eye, I am on my own property, with my name written on the deed of owenership. If somebody wants to take pictures of me in my pool, I most likely wouldn't give a hoot and nickel, but law states I can use 'severe' force to get you off my property. <br /> <br />5 years ago, I could pick you up and through you into my branch grinder thing. <br /> <br />so 'deadly' was changed to 'sevre' <br /> <br />You are not on your own property, the property you are on belongs to ___________ inc. (insert name of opperational railraod on blank) <br /> <br />You do not have a right to decide what happens on other people's property. <br /> <br />If you have broken the law that many times, or your afraid your wife will be able to identify you because your pictures may be up on the interent and come after you for all the money you owe her, perhaps I would suggest a job that doesn't have this elemnt attatched to it. <br /> <br />May I suggest Lybrarian? <br /> <br />There aren't an overabundance of lybrarianfans out and about.
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