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I am so sick of GRAFFITI.
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[quote]QUOTE: <i>Originally posted by San Diego Coaster</i> <br /><br />[quote]QUOTE: <i>Originally posted by joeyalone</i> <br /><br />[quote]QUOTE: <i>Originally posted by MP57313</i> <br /><br />[quote]QUOTE: <i>Originally posted by joeyalone</i> <br /> Wishing for somebody else's death...Now there's something I like to hear a grown man saying. [/quote] <br />Not so much wishing. It's more a matter of risk. If you do something risky, with no real "value to society", that could cause your death, you have no one to blame but yourself. Taggers who get injured/killed on the trains they deface 'did it to themselves' by intentionally doing risky things. Misjudged when the train would move? Oh well. <br />Maybe if the coroner could list "Careless Stupidity" on the death certificate it might change things. <br />[/quote] <br /> <br />The risk to one's life here, however, is not painting graffiti so much as it is hanging around a train yard when you're not very knowledgeable about the workings of trains, or for that matter, you're not being very cautious and aware of your surroundings. This is a topic that so many of you feel rather passionate about, and that's why I keep bringing it up - not so much to speak on the behalf of some of the little wieners who do this (though some of their work does look rather nice), but rather to try and understand the vile hatred that this conjures up in some of you, especially when most people on this forum haven't the faintest bit of understanding as to why people do this, or the diversity of the type of people who do this, nor what motivates them. And to hear people praising the death of kids that do this - I'm sorry but it makes that person sound like a pr*ck. <br /> <br />I'm not the biggest fan of graffiti, but then again I'm not too happy about freeways and wal-marts and tacky strip malls blighting my surroundings and visual environment either. But it seems just as pointless to me, for me to get so passionately angry about the existence of strip-malls and wal-marts and freeways (whose worth to society many people would contest and demean, just as you contest and demean the worth of graffiti art), as it does for you guys to so virulently hate graffiti on railroad cars. IT's around, live with it. GEt off your high horse. If graffiti is on somehow's house (rare) or storefront, that's another story, but I don't mind it so much on the railroad. Me personally, I'd much rather see some colorful and skillfully done graffiti lettering on a railroad car as opposed to just a bland and boring "GATX". Railroad emblems certainly aren't what they used to be. So please, stop whining and angrily preaching on your soapbox. You sound like a bunch of cranky five year olds. <br />[/quote] <br /> <br />Why people get upset about graffiti has already been explained, but you seem slow so I'll explain it again. Graffiti is <b>vandalism</b>. Vandalism of other people's property is a <b>crime</b>. It is rational for people to be upset with crime and criminals. The economic impact of graffiti has already been stated and I won't go into it further, but you seem to have an indifferent attitude about it. Also, vandalism is immoral. These are a few of the reasons why people get upset about graffiti. <br /> <br />Now I know liberals like you don't like thinking about morality because it forces you to make decisions about right and wrong. You can't equivocate about the right or wrongness of damaging other people's property when you look at it from a moral perspective and this bothers you greatly. And yes, you are a liberal. "Liberal" is not a partisan moniker, like you ignorantly stated, but rather an <i>ideological</i> moniker. However, if liberal bothers you I can call you a left winger or a progressive instead. <br /> <br />Comparing graffiti to Walmarts is just stupid. The people who built those buildings did so legally. It is their property to do as they please. If they want a Walmart, they can go ahead and build one. Walmarts and graffiti are as similar as apples and chimpanzees. <br /> <br />So you want to "understand" the mindset of vandals? Do you also want to understand why Bin Laden wants to kill you? If we all listened to you liberals, we would never ever protect our country, property or lives from those who want to do harm. You have a dangerous mindset of being permissive of those who damage society while ridiculing those who are offended by such behavior. <br /> <br />Why don't you go back to your "mind expanding" drugs and leave the people who want a better world alone. <br /> <br />[soapbox] <br />[/quote] <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />you both have some issues... but if your going to call this fellow a liberal, well call you a nazi. theres only one way of doing things.... right?
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