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I am so sick of GRAFFITI.
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[quote]QUOTE: <i>Originally posted by San Diego Coaster</i> <br /><br />[/quote] <br /> <br />Why people get upset about graffiti has already been explained, but you seem slow so I'll explain it again. Graffiti is <b>vandalism</b>. Vandalism of other people's property is a <b>crime</b>. It is rational for people to be upset with crime and criminals. The economic impact of graffiti has already been stated and I won't go into it further, but you seem to have an indifferent attitude about it. Also, vandalism is immoral. These are a few of the reasons why people get upset about graffiti. <br /> <br />Now I know liberals like you don't like thinking about morality because it forces you to make decisions about right and wrong. You can't equivocate about the right or wrongness of damaging other people's property when you look at it from a moral perspective and this bothers you greatly. And yes, you are a liberal. "Liberal" is not a partisan moniker, like you ignorantly stated, but rather an <i>ideological</i> moniker. However, if liberal bothers you I can call you a left winger or a progressive instead. <br /> <br />Comparing graffiti to Walmarts is just stupid. The people who built those buildings did so legally. It is their property to do as they please. If they want a Walmart, they can go ahead and build one. Walmarts and graffiti are as similar as apples and chimpanzees. <br /> <br />So you want to "understand" the mindset of vandals? Do you also want to understand why Bin Laden wants to kill you? If we all listened to you liberals, we would never ever protect our country, property or lives from those who want to do harm. You have a dangerous mindset of being permissive of those who damage society while ridiculing those who are offended by such behavior. <br /> <br />Why don't you go back to your "mind expanding" drugs and leave the people who want a better world alone. <br /> <br />[soapbox] <br />[/quote] <br /> <br />Hee Hoo! Wow, you really "coasted" far out into left field on that one, buddy! You made a lot of assumptions about me without ever knowing me. Your babbling proved intriguing to read, but please leave your paranoid ranting and creepy "liberal conspiracy" agendas out of the topic next time. "Mind expanding drugs"...wow. Where'd you get that one? <br />Well, if I wasn't so prone to logic, I might be liable to make some assumptions about you, too - maybe stating something about how you're probably quite an old, cranky, and joyless fellow, maybe a bit paranoid, maybe a bit too plugged in on the Fox News, maybe not the happiest person on this forum. <br /> <br />This was originally about graffiti (the legality of which I never argued about nor defended), but you seem to have, in a very Tom Delay-esque style, wanted to turn it into some whiney partisan (or ideological, as you called it, which is actually quite similar) bickering. Oh, I am taunted to play your childish game with you, but I think for now I'll refrain. See, I actually try to act my age, where as you seem, like most juvenile spoiled brats who're stuck in grown men's bodies, to have trouble with that. Contrary to your presumptuous belief that I am somehow a liberal (the thought actually quite nauseates me if you must know), I actually prescribe to the belief of OBJECTIVISM, which is not prescribing nor conforming to a pre-set, partisan code of beliefs, but rather OBJECTIVELY analyzing and deciding for yourself. I see good and bad in both left-wing and right-wing trains of thought. NOthing is ever black and white. You, it seems, prefer to choose the other path, of labeling and name-calling, of sticking to party lines. I know your type, and they do not seem like happy people. They seem rather angry. And they tend to live short lives. All that stress and anger tends to wear on the circulatory system, a bit , you know. Perhaps you're a bit overweight as well. <br /> <br />It's a shame, really, that I had to go from trying to offer a contrasting point of view on this subject, to defending myself against an old angry crank like yourself. Please, we should let this thread die. And in the future, lets try to exchange thoughts about this in a MATURE manner, without the presumptions and name-calling from both sides. It doesn't always hurt so much to act one's age. <br />-joe
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