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Posted by samfp1943 on Saturday, March 11, 2023 8:22 AM

Recently, as we are all aware, on this Forum; train wrecks seem to be occupying the current news cycle.  Seems to have started with NS, and their 'string' of incidents. Then UPRR had one in Nebraska, and  most recently, CSX got their 'hand' in the wringer.

They managed to hit a landslide, at Sandstone, W.Va. ASeems they had one unit went into the adjacent New River, and the resultant headline, seemed to be that "...CSX had a train wreck and put a 'tank' in the New River..." Of course the 'tank' was on the engine that slid down into the river, and whatever fuel, managed to leak out of the other overturned engines(?)..." The headline was 'shortened', and it highlighted, a major consequence of hitting a rock slide next to the river.

Point is, media seems to be making a [media] 'firestorm' over the fact that there are something-like, 1,000 train wrecks, each year(?). Never explaining, what constitutes a 'Train Wreck' (?)...Gen. Public, does not seem to know, or care; but it is the 'Headline' that gets the attention(?).

Currently, it is the on-going, 'situation' in East Palestine, OH, that is grabbing the attention; Federal Gov't seems to be in a [political] dither, about what to do, [with the 'media' snapping at their heels?].  NS seems to be at a loss for which way to turn, and what action is needed to 'fix' their 'delima'(?).  It is the folks in East Palestine, who seeem to be left to wallow in their predicament(?).

 In the late 1970's, and early '80's; there was a town in Missouri (Times Beach).  Not exactly the same as East Palestine, Oh. But somewhat similar, their, 'demon' was a man-made chemical, [dioxin].. spread on their roads by a 'contractor' for a chemical maufacturer.   Ultimately, their solution was a 'governmental buy-out', and community abandonment.  Not necessarily, a soluton, but it ultimately, was a problem solver, for the responsible parties.   Just some thoughts...  See linked artilce:





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Posted by Convicted One on Saturday, March 11, 2023 8:44 AM

One undeniable virtue of reguation is, that even  if the resulting rsponse is incompetent, at least it will be well documented.

If alternately, everyone just looks the other way and trusts the railroads to do "the right thing"  there is abundant cause for concern that  priorities other than safety might dominate the outcome, concealed behind an opaque wall of corporate doublespeak. 

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Posted by Murdoch17 on Saturday, March 11, 2023 8:51 AM

After destroying the first few inches of topsoil and all the buildings in a custom-build incinerator, Times Beach was turned into Route 66 state park, which I have visited.


I really hope they don't have to do that to East Palestine...

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Posted by tree68 on Saturday, March 11, 2023 9:29 AM

One result of regulations is the occasional happenstance of unintended consequences.

The reaction to the loose wheel issue was to issue instructions relevant to the problem - and specifically a known issue.  Anyone having equipment on their property that matches the description needs to take a look at it, one way or another.

That's usually how it works in the airline industry.  Specific aircraft, specific problem.  

I wouldn't be surprised if there were now a lot of wheel gauges being used to look at the potential problem.  

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Posted by Overmod on Sunday, March 12, 2023 1:18 PM

Oh, I know... leaving switches in the wrong position is a problem.  Let's have more regulation.  Let's have a mandatory SPAF.

Great idea.  That'll solve it!


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