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How to 'Ask Trains' / Broken Rail repairs
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<p>[quote user="Thomas 9011"]</p> <p>As someone who has spent most of career my as a welder and fabricator, I have extensive knowledge of metals and their properties.</p> <p>I never accused Mudchicken of not understand right of way engineering. I said that one of the ways of repairing a broken rail is cutting it out with a torch and inserting another piece of rail. The responses to my comment were negative and inaccurate One of his responses was.. "Do that on any railroad around me and you're fired. Then the FRA comes looking for you with a laundry list of Code 1's. Hope you have a deep bank account. Wrong on so many levels.."</p> <p>I posted the FRA rules concerning the use of torch cut rail, and what we found is that it is permissible and allowed on all tracks with a freight speed of up to 25mph and a passenger speed up to 30mph. That would include most of your yards (including class ones), mainlines with speeds up to 25mph, and most of your industries and spurs. We are talking tens of thousands of miles or track here. To say I was wrong on so many levels is inaccurate.</p> <p>Mudchickens response of " torch cut anything in a main track is a bozo no-no". Considering there is mainlines all over this country that run freight under 25 mph (such as your shortlines) torch cut rail is allowed and that statement is false. [/quote]</p> <p> </p> <p><span style="font-family:verdana,geneva;font-size:medium;">So, who is correct here? Is it a bozo no-no or not?</span></p>
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