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Hmmmmm farm work huh? <br /> <br />Dad always had our small field limed. But I worked on a friend's dairy farm where he had his field fertilized with the pellets. It only took once getting hit in the back with them "bullets" before I learned to respect the spreading truck. [B)] <br />I had stopped my tractor, I was planting, because one of the cups had fallen off and I was trying to put it back on. The truck snuck up on me. Trust me, it only snuck up on me once. NEVER AGAIN. [:D] <br /> <br />And speaking of "spreading" lol one of my jobs on the dairy farm was blading out the barn and spreading the wonderful contents. [;)] It only took less than one trip around the field to know when to "spread" and not to spread. Yes, wind can be a wonderful thing at times, BUT NOT when you are spreading manure. [8] It was a side discharge, a PTO drove chain links that were every foot or so on the shaft and did the deed of speading. Once I had to jump into the spreader when a bull decided to charge. I couldn't get to the tractor so the speader was the only other place to get away from it. [B)] Thank God I was wearing my fireman's boots and the spreader was low on it contents. [;)] <br /> <br />I had another time when I was glad I was wearing my fireman's boots. The owner had a new feeding trough installed with a system of mixing grain into the silage. It was motorized with the silage moved around as the grain was mixed into it. The wiring for the lights and motors ran underground. One afternoon I came down and saw a dead cow on the ground. I asked what happened, and he told me the cow had found a short in the wiring. My fireboots were shock prof and I had walked across that spot several times. <br /> <br />I never made a lot of money playing farm hand, but it was something I very much enjoyed doing. I have lots of funny memories about it. [:p] <br /> <br /> <br />My friends from Chicago didn't make it up yesterday. They were enjoying their time in Texarkana too much and wound up staying there. [:(] They said they would try and be here sometime after 3. I will still be able to give them a quick tour of the yard. [;)] <br /> <br />The sun is out but the weather channel says it is only about 40. We had Spring during Winter and now Winter during Spring. [:0] [B)] Strange but true, the weather is so mixed up these days. <br /> <br />If you have not seen Quentin's steam engine then I encourage you to find his thread about childhood memories and read it and see his photo. That photo is absolutely priceless. <Jim is jealous. [;)] > <br /> <br />Everyone Take Care <br /> <br />
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