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Is loose car railroading dead?
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<p>[quote user="Murphy Siding"]</p> <p>[quote user="Bucyrus"]</p> <p><span style="font-family:verdana,geneva;font-size:small;">Do railroads want out of the small customer business because they actually lose money on it, or is it more an emotional decision based on a liking of more lucrative business? </span> [/quote]What kind of a dern fool thing is that to say? An emotional decision?[/quote]</p> <p><span style="font-family:verdana,geneva;font-size:small;">If it is not an emotional decision, why are they so wishy-washy on whether or not they want the business? If I get a project offer where I can’t make money, I don’t take it. You have more or less said the same thing earlier when you disagreed with the approach the railroad takes in refusing business they apparently don’t want. </span></p> <p><span style="font-family:verdana,geneva;font-size:small;">So if their decision to discourage business by dropping hints is not emotional, what then motivates it? Either the business makes money and they perform the job, or it does not make money and they get out of it. </span></p> <p><span style="font-family:verdana,geneva;font-size:small;">Or do they not know whether they make money or lose money on the small business because it is small, and therefore they cannot be sure they are making money on it? </span></p>
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