High speed rail...why? Locked

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Posted by n012944 on Friday, November 20, 2009 11:28 PM


 I agree with henry6.  There is little point in trying to reason with RNC/FNC "talking points."   If you want to deny global climate change, perhaps you'd like a free membership to the Flat Earth Society.

I always get a kick out of how HSR cheerleaders always lump people who dare question the cost of HSR as from the far right.  I guess these guys are Democrats in name only...


But hey, don't let the facts get in the way your rantBanged Head


Of course one could argue that there is little point to try and reason with DNC/MSNBC talking points......Whistling

An "expensive model collector"

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Posted by selector on Friday, November 20, 2009 11:56 PM

For a while there it was a great of the best threads in a long time, and kept so by those posting.  Now it's getting a little chippy and pointless.  Time to move on.


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