Norfolk and Western Steam

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Norfolk and Western Steam
Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, September 15, 2001 10:48 PM
Would anyone like to see the N&W steam brought back into service? And if it ever were brought back do you think it would be a good or bad thing?
Just looking for thoughts.
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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, September 17, 2001 12:51 PM
As one who grew up in the N&W family in the fifties to seventies, I'd love to see it. However, the Norfolk Southern is a VERY different railroad now than it was eight years ago. First, there's not enought management to oversee that and most could care less about steam specials. Secondly, when their steam program ended they made sure that such a program would never again run on their rails. Third, any steam operation is extremely expensive and is a inancial "blackhole".
But we can dream can't we...or fall back on fond memories. I worked on the last regularly scheduled 611 trips in November 1994 but that's another story.

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