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How does Walmart affect the railroads?
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[quote user="Murphy Siding"] <p>I'd have to strongly disagree with you on that. As a kid in the early in the early 70's, Kmart was the 800 # gorilla where I lived. A lot of people shied away from there, not wanting to buy any of that "cheap, throw away junk made in Taiwan". <font color="#00ffff">Walmart didn'y pioneer that market, they simply honed it.</font> Even old Sam Walton says he got his ideas from others in the industry, then refined them more to his liking.</p><p> It seems rather silly, to<font color="#ff0000"> villify the "transportation middlemen</font><font color="#ff0000">",</font> for hauling freight. That is their business, after all. It appears to me, that ALL the big boxes are providing traffic to the railroads in the way of imports-no?</p><p>[/quote]</p><p> </p><p>Red text: Where do you get the idea that I'm trying to "villify" (sic) the transportation middlemen? I'm being sincere when i say I'm sure they enjoy the second (and third, etc) hauls. Clearly it's not their fault my lawn umbrella disintegrates in any breeze stronger than 3 mph, they just bring me a new one as cheaply as possible.</p><p>Blue text: Well, I remember K-Mart from back in the day they were S.S. Kresge, and yes they certainly had their budget brands. But I don't believe they had the market share that Wallyworld now enjoys. But then most families I knew back then would not admit it if they did shop predominantly at K-mart</p><p>I suppose we could get into a debate about the meaning of words such as "pioneered" versus 'honed', but I think we are talking about the same thing, just differently.</p><p>As it pertains to the context of your original question, I stand firm in my belief that the shopping appetite that walmart has so expertly "honed" <span class="smiley">[:P]</span> , where lower quality merchadise enjoys wider acceptance (the "low first cost" mantra).....has had a tangible effect upon railroading, in the form of replacement hauling.</p><p>Do you disagree with that premise, or is it various and sundry other sensitivities on the prowl here?<span class="smiley">[;)]</span></p>
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