Trains Magazine
General Discussion
March 2008 TRAINS
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Thanks for that explanation PZ. I generally understand those principles of funding, but I was not aware that the ad revenue was balanced against the size of the magazine product on a month-by-month basis. Certainly if ads were on a prolonged decline, I would expect the magazine to decline in response and stay in balance with the revenue it could generate. But if you only had a down month of advertising, I wonder if it would not be financially better in the long run to just temporarily eat that loss and run a full magazine rather than shake the confidence of the subscribers into a feeling of not getting their money's worth for the commitment that they have made. I would guess that it could become a vicious circle where you lose circulation and thus it makes your ads worth less to the ad customers, so you have to lower ad rates and lose revenue because of that. I wonder what is the current trend of the circulation of <em>Trains</em>?
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