Trains Magazine
General Discussion
March 2008 TRAINS
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<p>[quote user="A.K. Cummings"]Folks — <br /><br />As has been noted in this thread, the size of the magazine depends on the amount of advertising we get. March and April are often off months for ad sales, but they were particularly bad this year, as has been noted, and that's resulted in the small magazine. I hate to say it, but April isn't any better than March. <br /><br />The good news: May ad sales are usually very strong, though we don't yet know how they'll be this year. <br /><br />We're paying close attention to this issue, and we know you guys expect a certain amount of bang for your buck. Believe me, we don't like this, either, and we're working hard to make sure we can improve things as soon as practicable.<br /><br />Best, <br /><br />Andy Cummings<br />Associate Editor<br />TRAINS Magazine<br />Waukesha, Wis.[/quote]</p><p>Andy,</p><p>I'm a little confused. I can understand how the page count in the magazine would decrease as the ad count decreases, since ads occupy pages. Is this all that has happened with the March issue? I have not seen the March issue yet, but I don't understand why anybody would be complaining about a lower page count if it were only reduced in correspondence to a reduced number of ads. I had the impression that subscribers here thought that the non-advertising substance content of the magazine had been reduced from normal or average. If this is the case, are you saying that a reduction in ads also reduces the non-advertising content of the magazine, in addition to the reduction in pages that contain the ads? And if so, could you explain the connection between ad count and non-ad content? Thanks.</p>
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