Local Short Haul freight?

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Local Short Haul freight?
Posted by Anonymous on Monday, August 20, 2001 7:57 PM
Short haul local rail service? For example, would grain be sent to a flour mill in a given city, converted to flour, loaded back into a box car and sent to a large bakery across town in the same city? Logs to a mill/ lumber to a furniture factory? Etc. I assume this would have been more common in the past, before modern trucks were developed. Any examples of this kind of service from the past? How about present day operations? Ron H.
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Posted by thirdrail1 on Tuesday, August 21, 2001 9:22 AM
Such movements are common enough that virtually all railroads publish rates for such movements. The most common are from warehouses to manufacturing plants, especially where the prior movement was import via ship. Chemical movements are quite common, as are coal to coke oven then coke to steel mill moves.
"The public be ***ed, it's the Pennsylvania Railroad I'm competing with." - W.K.Vanderbilt

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