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jointed rail vs CWR
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[quote user="mudchicken"]<p>Perception vs. Reality</p><p>Methinks you exagerate more than just a tad. Rail detectors, geometry cars, liteslice, random freight car impact detectors and corrugation analyzers would have umasked something that bad long ago. Uncle Pete woulda put some secondhand CWR out there long ago or dropped the track to Class 1 (10 MPH) if the conditions you described were out there on consecutive runs (no matter what local supervision said - <strong>Big Yellow is zero tolerance obsessive like that, </strong>and they have resource$ that CNW would never have had). The FRA guys woulda caught it too , independent of UP. (and you don't leave paint and other markings out there to make it easier for FRA to find unless you have addressed the situation)....</p><p>[/quote]</p><p> </p><p>I beg to differ. As an engineer for CP I run over the UP Milwaukee Sub between Shermer and Bryn Mawr quite often. We all comment on how bad the track is through there and it's been that way since I started running over it in 2001. Bad spots stay bad for a very long time, often without a slow order giving pretty wild rides at times. </p><p> </p><p>Terrible track compared to CP's. </p>
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