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[quote user="Dakguy201"] <p>Aren't the MN DOT the same people who said they could not adequately inspect the 35W bridge because of the pigeon poop and the spiders? Of course, no one has found any document produced pre-disaster that warned of that. Now another branch of the government (the GAO) can't find enough paperwork to satisfy themselves that the railroads have overcome the pigeon/spider problem and actually taken a look at their bridges. </p><p>Essentially, the argument is that if we just put the FRA in the bridge safety business, they will ensure enough paper is generated to prevent a bridge disaster.</p><p>I think I would prefer the railroads spent the money monitoring and repairing their structures. </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>[/quote]</p><p>And the taxpayers will end up paying for all that paper, personnel, government bureaucracy, waste, fraud, and abuse that will flow from yet another encroachment into the private sector as the camel continuously tries to gets its nose under the tent.</p><p>Not to mention the probability that more railroad bridges will fail because the inspection responsibility has been transferred to the public sector, which ultimately bears no responsibility. </p><p>And this particular railroad tent that the camel is nosing around involves a whole lot more than bridges.</p>
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