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Op Ed - "Railroad monopoly is drag from factory to the supermarket"
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[quote user="n012944"][quote user="futuremodal"][quote user="CSSHEGEWISCH"] <p>The last time I looked, railroads and truckers did compete with each other, hardly a monopoly.</p><p>[/quote]</p><p>Yep, I just read where JB Hunt was thinking of entering the Powder River Basin to haul coal to Midwest utilities! Meanwhile, Schnieder is thinking of contracting with Cargill to move Montana grain to the pacific coast ports, and Navajo will soon start their own single stack road trains to haul containers from LA to Chicago!</p><p>Yep, them truckers provide tons of competition for the rairoads! </p><p>(insert sarcastic smilie here)</p><p> </p><p>Dave</p><p><font size="1">"...of the People" - Learn it, love it, live it!</font></p><p>[/quote]</p><p>Thats right, I forgot that in Daves little world, industrys are supposed to be punished when they become more effiecent than their competition. </p><p>[/quote]</p><p>Only the railroad industry considers it's most predominant customer as "the competition". Not good business sense, is it?</p><p>Name for me any other industry where the customer is labeled as "the competition".</p><p>As for your little absurb twisted statement above, one of similar mindset could apply that to the artificial GVW and length limits placed on truckers - certainly that's an example of an industry being punished for "efficiency", isn't it?</p><p>PS - care to tell us your name?</p>
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