Relationship with RR workers

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Relationship with RR workers
Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, July 19, 2001 9:23 PM
An answer to another topic reminded me of this but would have been too far off the particular topic. For a period of several years, I did most of my railfanning driving a '91 Hyundai hatchback, and was NEVER challenged by any workers. I always had the camera, and scanner and later also had a Video camera with me. I am very careful not to trespass on Company property without permission. In July of '98, I bought a new Ram Pickup. I did not change my railfanning routine one bit except for my vehicle. Twice, within about six weeks after the change of vehicles, I was approached by RR employees wanting to know what I was up to. They wanted to know if I was a company spy, a union spy, or a government spy! Both times I told them that I was just another Train Nut out for some pictures, and they left. I guess the word is out that the guy in the red truck is not up to no good, since now when I go railfanning, I always get at least a wave, a couple of toots on the horn, and if conditions are right, some impressive "Stack Talk". I actually found it to be kind of funny that a change of vehicle would get that kind of attention. Anyone else been similiarly challenged while Railfanning? A Railfanning buddy of mine said it was too bad that I didn't get a White Jeep Cherokee, since that is what the real company spies were using at the time!! Ron.
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Posted by Anonymous on Friday, July 20, 2001 4:55 PM
working for the UP, i can understand those guys, we usually are at least a little suspicious of any vehicle sitting by the tracks, you never know what kind of sneaky tricks they are up to to try and get you a discipline level. usually you see a camera though and you can relax a bit. and yes, if you had a white jeep they would have been real suspicious, cause that's what officers for both UP and BNSF were driving for a while

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