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1600 Mw power plant proposed for Idaho (and railroads get shut out)
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<p>[quote user="neil300"]If i read correctly itwas stated earlier that water vapor is the main cause of global warming. Isn't that the exhaust of the Hydrogen fuel-cells that people have been touting as the future of "green power" for cars? They say all it produces is steam, right?[/quote]</p><p>Actually, the correct statement is that water vapor is the main greenhouse gas, thus it is also the main component of the greenhouse effect. What is being claimed without a droplet <span class="smiley">[:D]</span> of empiricism is that man's 1/10 of 1% CO2 contribution to the potential greenhouse effect (via smokestack/tailpipe emissions of CO2) is causing a <u>greater than natural</u> increase in the greenhouse effect, which is causing a greater than natural increase in observed surface temperatures, which is causing an increase in water evaporation, which is causing an increase in atmospheric water vapor, which is causing an increase in the greenhouse effect, which is further warming the planet..........and next thing you know, we're the New Venus!<span class="smiley">[:O]</span></p><p><span class="smiley">Of course, an increasing average temperature will also cause an increase in naturally-induced CO2 levels globally, but that's beside the point!</span></p><p><span class="smiley">But yes, if the GW proponents were to be consistent, they would point out the fact that there is more surface sources of water available due to man's societal development (e.g. irrigation, reservoirs, lawns, industrial steam emissions, et al) that are being vaporized into atmospheric dihydrogen monoxide, the number one killer greenhouse gas. And the man-caused increase in water vaporization dwarfs the levels of man-made CO2 from hydrocarbon combustion.</span></p><p><span class="smiley">Hmmmmm, now we should get rid of all our irrigated crops in addition to our coal fired power plants and hydrocarbon-guzzling vehicles? Well, if coal is the number one tonnage for railroads in terms of bulk profitability, isn't ag a close second or vis versa?</span></p><p><span class="smiley">I'm tellin' ya, this GW stuff is going to kill off the railroads.</span></p>
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